Local Artist Honors Her Father Through Art

“My first memory of art happened many years ago on a Saturday. That was the day my parents would get together in the evening and play cards. 

I remember being there and feeling extremely antsy. I don’t remember how old I was exactly, but I know I wasn’t tall enough to see what was going on, because my eyes were just barely level to the table. 

Seeing I was frustrated, my father leaned over and asked ‘Would you like me to draw you a picture?’ Of course, I said yes, and he put me in his lap. He then picked up a pencil, and in one swift movement without lifting it from the pad, he drew a small bird. 

I was just in awe at this magical creature he had created out of thin air. It didn’t cost money, we didn’t have to go get anything, it was all just right there. From then on, I began messing around with as many art supplies as I could get my hands on.

The hat I’m wearing right now actually belonged to him. After he passed away in 2010, I found it and put it in a ziplock bag because it smelled like him. After a year or so, his scent started to disappear so I decided I would honor his memory by wearing it everywhere. I like the hat because it’s sort of artsy. 

And of course, it reminds me of my father.”

 — Celeste Millette

Celeste painted a winter scene on some of the windows of our Main Office in Saco, as well as the windows at S&B Financial Services.