Upgrade FAQs

Find answers to your upgrade questions here!

How do I update my browser?

On iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Scroll down and tap General.

  3. Tap Software Update.

  4. If an update is available, tap Download and Install.

On Mac:

  1. Click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen.

  2. Select System Preferences.

  3. Click Software Update.

  4. If there’s an available update, click Update Now.

Other Safari Issues (Cookie preferences)

  1. Go to preferences

  2. Select “Privacy” 

  3. Make sure “Block all cookies” is unchecked

On Windows:

  • Safari is no longer supported on Windows. For better security and updated features, consider using Google Chrome.

  • How To Install Chrome

What is my username and password?

When logging in to the new personal banking for the first time:

  • Use your current Personal Online Banking User ID
  • Your password will be the last four digits of your Social Security Number

When logging in to the new business banking for the first time:

  • Your new User ID is simply your old Company ID plus your old User ID.
    • For example, if your prior Company ID was 12345 and your username was JohnDoe, your new User ID will be 12345JohnDoe.
  • Your password will be the last four digits of your Tax ID/EIN

Why are my year to date overdraft fees inaccurate?

Due to the upgrade, ‘Total Year-to-Date’ figures for Overdraft and Return items are incorrect on our most recent statements. This is a known issue, and will be corrected for the next statement cycle.

Should you need to determine an accurate total for your total Overdraft and/or Return Item fees assessed in 2024, please contact your local branch.

How do I change my online banking username?

To change a username:

  1. Log in to online banking.
  2. Click your Initials in the Top Right, and choose ‘Settings’.
  3. Choose Security, and where Username appears, Click Edit.

How do I find my online banking username?

Click this link: https://my.sbsavings.bank/forgot 

Then click “Try another way” at the bottom of the screen and follow the steps.

How do I find my online banking password?

Click this link: https://my.sbsavings.bank/forgot 

Enter your username and email. 

Click 'next'

Why do I see two pending transactions for one transfer?

The mobile banking app shows both the debit from the donor account and the credit to the recipient account. This means that you will see two in app notifications for every transfer.

How do I enroll in the new system?

Click below to enroll.

Why are some past debit card transactions showing on 2/20?

All debit card transactions made between 4:00 pm on 2/15 and 6:30 am on 2/20 will show as having been processed on 2/20. Some transaction details, including the date of the transaction, may appear in online/mobile banking if you click on a specific transaction (see example below).

Why are my transactions prior to 2/15 showing as DDA?

Details regarding transactions made prior to 2/15 will be available on your printed statements. If you cannot find the information, please visit your branch.